Where Quilted Garden Designs began ~ 2000

Where Quilted Garden Designs began ~ 2000

Bias Binding Around Curves and into Scallops

Bias Binding Around Curves and into Scallops

Bias Binding - no big deal right??? Wrong! If you have any curved edges on your project, it will need bias binding to flow nicely and neatly around the curves. So what is bias? It is the stretchiest part of the fabric. Straight of grain runs along the selvage edge as well as cut from selvage to selvage. BIAS is cut at a 45* angle and most of your rulers will have a line indicating where that 45* angle line is - go find it now then come back here and follow this step-by-step guide to bias binding. Also included here is how to get in and out of those inverted ‘V’s that are in so many of my scalloped edge toppers 🤩

Working on this for you… check back soon 🤗

Celebrate with Birthday Blocks

Celebrate with Birthday Blocks